Wednesday 28 March 2018

Perfect ???

Nobody’s perfect they say, but this is only partly true, as “perfect” will always depend on each individual persons version and that moment in time.

Nobody can be perfect for everyone, and your version of perfect wont be everyone else's, you can only be perfect for some/someone/situation or moment in time and your perfect may not be perfect for anyone but you. To me that's one of the things that makes us amazing.

I don’t think I have an ideal of perfect, or if I do I’m not aware of it, not in any terms friends, boyfriends, family, abilities, pet, job it goes on. I suppose I will find my perfect at some point and maybe I can define it for myself, but each perfect will be different to the other, and each perfect will also develop and change over time.

There’s not many situations something can be “perfect” getting 10 out of 10 on a test is one of them.
People are judged for being "perfect" what's he/she got to worry about, be insecure about or not like in their lives? but just because to you it seems perfect it doesn't mean it is, or its perfect for that person.
Our world is constantly changing, and within that out own little worlds, even if we only watch, we are changed by what we see. We cannot simply observe, we interact with it in some way every day. And every little thing has some effect on us, which in turns effects our version of perfect, or should. If we don’t allow ourselves to change or admit these changes, can we ever be happy? You could just end up chasing a dream, you actually no longer want, so when you get it, will it make it happy ?

Chasing “perfect” is almost impossible, as it will keep changing.

Have dreams, have morals , have goals, dream big !, aim high, go on adventures just don't worry about perfect. Anything is possible if we don't get stuck on "perfect"

“Nothing is impossible, as the word itself says I’m possible” Audrey Hepburn

Just keep in mind that your ideal of perfect may not be everybody’s, and may not be the same as when you started out !

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