Monday 5 February 2018

Too Positive ????

There’s a lot in the press and media about being “positive” and not being “negative”, but what’s wrong with being negative? I’m not saying its ok to be negative all the time, but I do believe there is just as much damage to be done by being too positive as being too negative.

There is too much emphasis on being “positive” , it can be counterproductive for anyone struggling, whether it’s just in a moment or it’s something that’s being going on for a while, especially for those of us who struggle with depression. It’s not a choice we make.

It seems that it’s not “acceptable” to be too perfect on a magazine cover or too thin or too beautiful, as it creates an impossible /unrealistic image that people can never reach. But if someone is seen as “negative” that’s wrong.

The constant pressure to be positive is exhausting, especially when already fighting an internal battle of your own.

 I will admit there are times when someone being constantly negative, drives me mad ! 
I believe in the law of attraction, and being positive will bring its own rewards but I don’t believe there is anything wrong with being “negative” on occasions. I believe in the law of attraction, and being positive will bring its own rewards 

There will always times when we feel a little down or worse, sometimes it’s even necessary, we have to face the not so good, and deal with it, something can’t be covered with a smile, not dealing or facing a challenge can do so much damage, sometimes even years later.

If we all go blindly forward being “positive” all the time, then we will never question anything. I’ve been accused of being “negative” for simply questioning a change or scenario but it’s not negative to question something, if it doesn’t seem or feel right.

If people never question things then change can never happen. It only takes one person to question something to start a revolution. “votes for women” what if no one ever thought to question why we couldn’t vote, what if we all carried on being “positive” about it , changes never would have happened. It may seem a little dramatic but I hope you can see what I’m getting at.

Maybe if we took a moment to listen to that questioning voice, instead of criticising the “negative” point of view, we could make some truly positive changes and better support those of us who struggle whether in a moment or longer term. Moving forward in a way that is positive for everyone.

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