Tuesday 23 January 2018

Crazy Cat Lady

I used to say I'd end up as a "Crazy Cat Lady with no Cats" !
Its something I had accepted as my fate, until I hit on a little snag, which effected my eligibility to be a Crazy Cat Lady with no Cats !
The snag is called Button, my first and so far only cat, so I suppose a small detour to being a Crazy Cat Lady with one Cat isn't too much of a change.

Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being a Crazy Cat Lady, its just I had always liked the uniqueness of the no cats part, bit like ordering a BLT with no T. Which I have done, more than once. (I'm not keen on tomatoes, sorry )

You may wonder about the no cats part, its not that I didn't like cats or want one, its just I never thought I could own one. I always thought I'd worry too much about him/her whenever they weren't home, the endless possibilities, of what could have happened would have driven me crazy/ or should I say crazier! There of course is the extra worry of living on a main road, the fact my front door is only two feet from the main road through the village.

Button is a house cat, which is how I have been able to deal with worry, of her going out, she doesn't go out, so I don't have to worry, magic the problem is solved !

I thought I'd end up a Crazy Cat Lady with no Cats, because I don't really have many friends, and no guys ever seem that interested, so I figured I'd always be alone i.e Crazy Cat Lady with no Cats.
I've solved the problem of the no cats part, so just need to fix the other part, but hey as I've solved one problem I'm sure I can sort the rest.
But as I've said there's nothing wrong with being a Crazy Cat Lady, so whatever I'm prepared.

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