Saturday 8 September 2018


Please don't see lazy
Please don't see rude
Please don't see aggressive
Please don't see angry
Please don't see distant
Please don't see anti social
Please don't see it as a choice.
Please don't see it as about you
Please don't see uncommunicative
Please don't see uncooperative

Please don't think I'm not trying
Please don't think I'm not listening
Please don't think I don't care

Please don't take it personally
Please don't say you understand , cause I know you probably don't and I don't want you to

Please don't tell me to try harder
Please don't tell me to snap out of it or get over it
Please don't tell me all I have to do is see the bright side or find the positive

Please don't be offended if I don't answer
Please don't be offended if I say no to something, cause its an achievement just to give an answer.

I already worry I'm lazy,
I already worry I'm rude
I already worry I'm not trying hard enough,
But I also know the effort it takes each and every day to just be.

I already know how hard I work
I already know how tried I get

and I know I'm doing ok, and that's ok.

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