Saturday 28 April 2018

Fearless Limitless

When I first needed a "business name" Fearless and Limitless came to mind, as it was something I wanted to be. I didn't want to be afraid anymore or be limited by my limitations. Putting my dream into words and into my business was a way to drive me, to keep me moving forward ,but also to give it a name.
I still have the same fears and limits but they are smaller and I'm stronger and more able to fight them.
Fear can be limiting, it can cause all sorts of difficulties, from just nerves to being completely frozen, and so much in between. For me it depends on the situation as to how it appears, sometimes I wouldn't even be aware of it. I could nervously giggle when confronted by someone, cry with fear, go silent, or freeze. When it came to having to speak in front of people it was terror, tears or my mind going completely blank, when I was riding it was pulling on the reins without wanting to, in my Zumba it was not moving as well, not being as strong and powerful, not connecting with the clients, again it was a subconscious thing, that I wasn't fully aware of, or was able to control. I can see a huge difference now, even feel it ! it feels easier, it flows and feels natural, its now one of the only times I feel free, I can be silly and not feel silly. I want to be able to take this feeling into more areas of my life, take that silly factor and freedom with me wherever I go.
 Fear can also be powerful and driving, making me want to beat it. It gives you something to fight for or against.
Limitations can also be a wide collection of things, mental and physical. From being a little on the short side (in Zumba clients can't see me) to self doubt and shyness. There are some things I can't change, I'm never going to be any taller, I'll always have trouble reaching the higher shelves. That's ok cause it doesn't effect who I am. I've worked through those limitations that I can.

"Limitless" also comes from wanting to have no limits on what I can achieve, where I can go. I've been told "no" too many times, or been told I'm not good enough or aren't aggressive/fierce enough (certain rhythm's in Zumba need more swagger or attitude). That I don't have the right attitude to move forward, get a promotion. But these just give me something else to fight against, and enjoy proving wrong.
 The worst limitations are the ones we put on ourselves "I'll never understand that" "I'm too uncoordinated" "its not my thing" these can come from our brains trying to protect us, but they don't always protect us, they place limits on what we can achieve. We have to fight those, use positive self talk, or just taking a step or if possible a leap of faith into the unknown.

Setting up and running Fearless Limitless Fitness, making it a success and loving every minute is what I wanted and will continue to do.

Be Fearless. Be Limitless and always to true to you, don't accept anyone's opinion of you even its your own.

Monday 23 April 2018


I worry sometimes I'm getting ill again, not in a hypochondriac kind of way, not my physical health, but in the way of my mental health. Is this a little blip, a bad day or few days, or am I just over tired ?
Its hard to tell for certain, but at least I'm aware of it. When I was first unwell, I didn't know it, I was always tired and felt heavy, I knew I wasn't happy but I thought it would get better of course it didn't, I just got even more tired, both physically and mentally. It wasn't until I sort help and started to feel better that, that weight was lifted and some of that tiredness left. I realised I could feel better and more importantly it wasn't my fault.
Being aware of your emotions and feelings does help as you can keep an eye on things, but it also can hinder as you add to your worries, worrying that there's something wrong. Draining some of that energy you need to keep moving forward, getting better or just getting through that day.
I've found for me its best to accept I'm not myself and if I can take a little time for myself to rest and recover, I do, sometimes all it takes is a quiet couple of hours, or ensuring I get more sleep (or trying too) knowing that being overtired can affect my mood.
I've learnt that being overtired is one of my triggers, so when I start to feel that way, I do what I can to make things better, I take a little time for myself, book some time off work, have a lie in and do my best to not criticize myself or beat myself up over it.
Its not something that everyone will understand, and I'm ok with that. Learning that "its ok not to be ok" has been a weight off my mind, a relief.
I've been lucky so far as I haven't experienced much negativity when I've talked about my struggles, there are still people who don't understand and there always will be.  That's ok as I don't want them too, cause to truly understand you need to experience it, and I don't want that for anyone, I would rather they not "get it" than actually know how it feels. Its hard to deal with some people who think or claim they understand, or those who don't and don't seem to want to, as you feel like your talking to a brick wall and getting nowhere, but that's one of those little blips, it can worry me, dent me a little but I'll pick myself back up again, as I know now how to "treat" that and move on.